Starting her teaching career at the Fort Gordon Army Education Center and continuing in the fields of higher education, consulting, business and software, Ms. Atkinson brings both theory and practical real world experience into the classroom. Her roles at Augusta State College, The Banner® Education Center, Philadelphia University, The Institute for Ecosystem Studies, Mount St. Mary College and Marist College has ranged from instructor to managing director. Her current teaching roster includes Business Management and Business Plan Development, Research Methods and Fundamentals of Public Relations. Ms. Atkinson is a Board member of Math & Physics Exploration, a member of the New York State Communication Association and the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education. She served as a Judge for the 2017 Northeast Regional Ethics Bowl, was a 2017 winner of the “Teaching with ILearn Innovation Award” and a presenter in NYSCA’s 2017 Pecha Kucha forum “Keeping it Classy, gaining gravitas through professionalism from memos to Twitter.”