The German Business School offers a Mini-MBA in ERP "Enterprise Resource Planning", with SAP Certification. The complete training in the implementation of business management processes lasts 4 months with fridays and saturdays classes every 15 days and starts on February 21, 2025.
The Mini-MBA in ERP allows you to understand the functioning of enterprise software, also known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This Mini-MBA enables you to understand all business processes by learning and getting certified on the reference software SAP.
At the end of this session, learners begin preparation for the SAP TS410 Certification, provided in French, which covers all the functions and processes of the company.
The Mini MBA diploma is awarded by the German Business School with a TS410 (SAP) Certification.
For more information, contact the German Business School:
Monday to Friday: from 09:00 am to 01:00 pm and from 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm
T: 31 10 11 11 M: 55 15 11 11 Email: certificate.application@german-bs.com
Certification SAP TS410 Préparation à S/4HANA
- Les vendredis par quinzaine de 17:00 à 20:00
- Samedis par quizaine de 09:00 à 16:00